Rare and Signed BooksThe signature of a famous aviator can add enormous value and interest to a book, making it unique, collectable and historically importantRICKENBACKERSigned by Eddie RickenbackerRead more...MOST SECRET WARSigned by Professor RV JonesRead more...KITTYHAWK PILOTSoldRead more...The AEROPLANESoldRead more...BRIAN TRUBSHAW ~ Test PilotSigned by Brian TrubshawRead more...TICKET to FREEDOMSoldRead more...WINGS DAYSigned by Harry 'Wings' DayRead more...YEAGERSigned by Chuck YeagerRead more...FOREVER FLYINGSigned by Bob HooverRead more...FIGHTER PILOTBook of the MonthRead more...WE LANDED by MOONLIGHTSigned by Group Captain Hugh Verity DSO* DFCRead more...FIGHT for the SKYSigned by Douglas BaderRead more...My LOGBOOK ~ Gunther RallSigned by Gunther RallRead more...SPITFIRE: A Test Pilot’s StorySigned by Jeffrey QuillRead more...THEY HAVE their EXITSSigned by Lt Col Airey Neave DSO OBE MCRead more...MOON SHOTSigned by Alan Shepard ~ Apollo 14Read more...SIGH for a MERLINSigned by Alex HenshawRead more...WING LEADERSigned by Johnnie JohnsonRead more...VULCAN 607Multi-SignedRead more...DH ~ a History of de HavillandSigned by John Cunningham & Allen WheelerRead more...SKY FEVERLetter signed by Sir Geoffrey de HavillandRead more...SPITFIRE OFFENSIVESigned by Wing Commander RWF 'Sammy' Sampson OBE DFC*Read more...REACH for the SKYSigned by Douglas BaderRead more...WINGS over WESTMINSTERSigned by Lord Balfour of InchryeRead more...BADER’s DUXFORD FIGHTERSBelonged to a Battle of Britain PilotRead more...The BLOND KNIGHT of GERMANYSigned by Oberst Erich HartmannRead more...PADDYSigned by Paddy BarthroppRead more...GUNTHER RALL ~ A MemoirSigned by Generalleutenant Gunther Rall KCRead more...To FLY and FIGHTSigned by Bud Anderson and Chuck YeagerRead more...From FURY to PHANTOMSigned by Group Captain Richard 'Dickie' Haine OBE DFCRead more...CALLED to COMMANDSigned by Lt General Gerald W. JohnsonRead more...The FLIGHT of the MEW GULLSigned by Alex HenshawRead more...FLY For Your LIFESoldRead more...FIRST KILLSoldRead more...NIGHT HAWKSoldRead more...